Smart Waffle 4-Slice Wafflemaker

2 In stock
Make perfect waffles with no mess using the Smart Waffle 4-Slice. Choose your waffle style, from light to dark and rest assured any overflow will get caught and cooked in the wrap around moat.
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Turning sticky batter into golden brown goodness isn’t always easy. Let the Smart Waffle™ do the thinking for you. Choose your waffle style, from light to dark and rest assured any overflow will get caught and cooked in the wrap around moat. No mess.

Intelligent darkness control dials in your cooking time to perfectly suit the style you are cooking. With 5 different darkness settings and a manual option allows you to customize waffle color from light to dark.

Crisp up your waffles to your liking from light to dark with 5 different settings. Waffle batter has a tendency to spill out and onto your counter top, but with this thoughtful feature excess strays are under control. 

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